Saturday, August 21, 2010

dog days . . .

i love this time of summer. its not to hot and the daily thunderstorms have chilled out. there are a lot more bugs and butterflies now. most plants are mature or ripening-- many of them are starting to turn brown. the high pressure dome we've been under for the past week and a half or so ensures pale blue cloudless skies. the air smells different now. its not thick and sweet anymore with the smell of growing things. instead it has a hint of spice, a bite of tang, and a large pinch of dust and pollen. its a smell that will hold on until the cold dry winter air moves in. butterflies are finally out after spending the muggy part of the summer in a cocoon. I am the only person I know who slows down and swerves to avoid them on the roads. cicadas and bugs of that ilk play their music on tough weed stalks and in dusty trees. you can feel nature shifting gears from growing and maturing to preparation. its a really neat time of the year. Im glad im still around for it.

speaking of which, the countdown has begun. 16th and im gone. hopefully for 2 years 3ish months.

i finally got my rain barrel projects done. now i just need a bit of rain to fill them so my mom can use them for her last garden plants.

we moved monica back to college yesterday and benjie moved back to indy today. monica has a sweet apartment. a lot of her friends, and her boyfriend, are in the same building. as long as she avoids the usual roommate drama i think she'll have a swell time. i miss college. it was the only time of my life where I could just learn about stuff and have fun without having to stress out about other crap. oh well . . .

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