Thursday, August 12, 2010

jet lag

Ive been home from canada for about 40 hours now and my head still feels fuzzy. i hate jet lag.

speaking of things i hate, i learned that i hate RVs. they are a symbol of whats wrong with western culture. allow me to contextualize. we drove up highway 93, called one of the most scenic highways in the world. the speed limit was 90 kph. we kept getting stuck behind RVs going 75-80. not only was this annoying, but the wide back end of an RV effectively blocks your view of the road ahead. that, and i got so tired of reading "tour canada!" and "1-800-RV RENT" Consequentially, I spent a good amount of my time passing RVs on a two lane mountain road. now, before you criticize me for speeding, I would like to point out that we followed this one slow RV for about 10 minutes before I passed him. about 3 minutes later, we were able to see a black bear cub before he got in the trees. the RV missed it.
the purpose of an RV, at least according to the advertisements plastered on many of them, is to allow someone to "travel in comfort." this is the height, so far, of western arrogance. since when is traveling comfortable? it has Never been comfortable, except for maybe royalty, and even they died on trips. the purpose of traveling, especially sightseeing, is not to be comfortable, but to see stuff. the traveling aspect is terrible at worst, bearable at best, and usually a pain in the butt. if you want to go on a vacation to be comfortable, or live in luxury, go to a freaking resort. if you cant stand leaving your house, then dont leave it. sightseeing, by definition, precludes your house.
RVs are vehicles the size of a bus that are used like a personal automobile. buses and trucks do not handle mountain roads, for example, very well, but they are usually driven by professionals who know how to operate their vehicles. semis often pulled over on the shoulder and let cars pass them. RVs? not so much. RVs also clog up popular tourist sites. We stopped at Lake Louise. the parking lots were RVs competed with cars for parking spots. i invite you to imagine the chaos.
RVs have crappy fuel economy. the best ones get around 20 mpg, most get between 7-14. the following scenario plays out constantly- RV owner drives his RV up a mountain, at the cost of 10 mpg, to see a glacier that is quickly receding due to global warming that is at least helped by greenhouse gases from internal combustion vehicles. i felt bad enough driving my rental car up there and it gets about 35-40 mpg. I cant imagine how a couple could drive their own personal bus to an environmentally sensitive site like that. thus, we have the phenomena of annoying and environmentally damaging vehicles being driven around because people feel they are entitled to embark on a traditionally challenging undertaking with all the comforts of home. it makes me sick.

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