Friday, July 23, 2010

a long long time . . .

You know, I used to read the Drudgereport every day for my news. I usually liked breitbart articles when I came across them. I used to be pro-life. I used to be gung-ho about the death penalty. I wanted to impeach Clinton. I've never voted for a losing presidential candidate.
I stopped reading Drudgereport when its sordid, ostentatious, sensationalist headlines failed to reflect the articles to which they were linked. I became pro-choice when I realized that a specific moral code does not always help with the hard choices people have to make, and that they should be allowed to make those hard choices. I despise the death penalty because it's barbaric. Clinton was the only president in my lifetime who balanced the budget. And I wish that I'd voted for a losing presidential ticket.
Where does breitbart fit in this? I stopped reading his stuff a long time ago, about the same time I stopped reading drudgereport's crap. Watching breitbart's fat ass pontificating on TV, however, about the Shirley Sherrod deal absolutely disgusts me. I'd never heard of Sherrod before this week. I should not have had to. By all accounts that I've read, she's a hardworking woman who tries to do the good she knows. For this, she gets skewered by the national right-wing media and dropped like a hot potato by her chickenshit boss because some pundit wants to make a splash. This problem has become endemic in American conservatism today
I can sit here and list off the names of fat white men who make a living by destroying people-- Beck, Limbaugh, Breitbart etc. It sickens me that I used to consider myself a member of the right-wing if that is the company that I kept.
Stuff that vile should not be graced with the aegis of a political designation. It should be anti-political. But no, it gives breitbart TV time, boosts Murdoch's revenue, and drives one more nail in the coffin of the Republican Party. If Republicans do not have the balls to stand up to crap when they see it, then why should I expect them to find said balls while in office? A conservative party is a good thing. The kind of conservatism , however, that celebrates, then ignores, racism does not belong in the 21st century, let alone in the American political arena.

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