Friday, July 16, 2010


tonight Monica and i went running. we were originally going to go about a mile/mile and a half, which is usually my range, but instead we decided to keep going "around the block." I put in about three miles before i cramped (again). it was pretty awesome; ive never run that far before.

I like running at dusk, which is about 9 this time of year. the heat of the day has usually dissipated by then, mist rises over the bean fields, the crickets/cicadas sound off in the ditches, and lightning bugs flash in the corn fields. the mist carries the sweet, cloying smell of corn and the green smell of summer. nights really weaken my desire to leave

Now Playing: "Girl from the North Country" the Lions

I "perfected" my rain barrel design. again. except i discovered that i didnt caulk around the bibs very well, so they leak. i will probably have to drain the barrels so my caulking will bond. oh well.

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