Friday, July 30, 2010


so I was at walmart again tonight. standing in line. out of 28 checkouts, there were 4 open. 4 out of 28. I dont think that walmart pays their employees so much that opening say, half, the checkout counters is going to make a big in the quarterly profit.

its the time of the year when all of those little yellow butterflies are out in force. I usually see them clustered around mud puddles in our driveway or along the side of the road. This seems like a bad move from a survival of the species standpoint, but Im not a little yellow butterfly. Anyway, they are really pretty when you drive near them and they all take off. I was coming back from town and went around this curve that had a puddle along it. I looked in my mirror as i drove by and I saw a cloud of little yellow butterflies like a cyclone. It was just for a split second but I cant get it out of my head.

speaking of butterflies, I wish the ones that have been living in my stomach for the past two days would go away. enough already. I get it.

And I need to re-learn what little french I knew. I should have paid more attention in french class 5? years ago. Damn that seems like such a long time . . .

I was talking with my friend Lynette tonight and I remembered? re-realized? how comfortable academia is and how scary it is to leave it. I dont mean that academia is easy at all, but its very comfortable. Once you learn how things work, and how people in it are, you're set. There is comfort in the fact that knowledge never changes, there is just more of it. There is comfort in the schedule, or lack thereof. There is even comfort, albeit the comfort of a familiar yoke, in the omnipresent cloud of work that hangs over every grad student's life. Academia is an insular world that promotes comfort because comfort is essential to information acquisition. This insular nature of academia is another post for another time though.

I ran 3.7 miles tonight

The annual Ladoga Lion's Club Fish Fry started tonight. Good fish sandwhiches. My sister and I successfully got food and left.

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